Partner 461 Visa for New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship

If you are married or in a de-facto relationship with a New Zealand citizen either living in Australia or offshore, the Subclass 461 visa may be a suitable option for you.  The Subclass 461 visa is also available to other eligible family members of New Zealand citizens.

You need to be an eligible family member of someone living in Australia on a Subclass 444 or been traveling to Australia with a family member who will be granted a Subclass 444 on arrival.

This visa allows you to live and work in Australia for up to five years and can be renewed as long as you continue to meet the criteria for the grant of the visa.

461 Partner Visa Video

461 visa criteria

In order to be eligible for a 461 Visa, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You are not a New Zealand citizen
  • You must be related to the New Zealand citizen as one of the following:
    • their partner
    • their (or their partner’s) dependent child
    • the dependent child of their (or their partner’s) dependent child
    • their (or their partner’s) relative who meets all of the following:
      • is widowed, divorced, separated or has never married or entered a de facto relationship
      • is usually resident in the Special Category visa holder’s household
      • is dependent on the Special Category visa holder
  • Meet health and character requirements
  • You might have to hold private health insurance with an Australian fund for the duration of your visa.
  • You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian Government or have arranged to repay any outstanding debts to the Australian Government before this visa can be granted.

Processing Time

Current processing time varies dependent on current demand. As of July 2024, the Department’s website states that 90% of 461 visa applications are processed within 4 months.

How much is a Partner Visa subclass 461?

Each year, the government fee for a Subclass 461 visa will increase.

As of 1 July 2024, the visa application charge for the main applicant is $430.00.  Current Government visa application charges can be found by clicking here.

Visa Conditions and Duration for Subclass 461

Once your 461 Visa application is granted, you will be entitled to:

  • work and study in Australia
  • travel to, enter and remain in Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted

461 visa renewing and relationship breakdown

You can renew your visa, even if your relationship with the Special Category visa holder has ended provided that:

  • you have maintained Australian residency; you must have been in Australia for a total of at least two years in the last five years
  • you continue to meet standard health and character requirements
  • you do not become the member of a family of another person (other than another Special Category visa holder)
  • if you are currently outside Australia, you held this visa when you left Australia

461 visa to permanent residency

There are no direct or automatic pathways into permanent residency from a Subclass 461 visa.  However, dependent on your skill set there may be options to meet the criteria for another type of permanent visa stream, such as a skilled visa and/or employer sponsored visa.

Would you like to know more about your prospects for a visa?

Eligibility is the most important step in determining whether a person may meet the legal criteria for a visa application and one consultation could save you money.

Before any immigration advice can be provided, we must hold an initial consultation which will attract a fee commencing from $385.

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