Regional Occupation List

Regional Occupation List

The Regional Occupation List currently comprises 77 occupations that are in high demand in the regional areas of Australia. If you are nominated by the State or Territory government and you have been issued an invitation on or after 11 December 2019 to submit an application for Subclass 491, this list is for you:

Assessing Authority
121111Aquaculture FarmerVETASSESS
121211Cotton GrowerVETASSESS
121213Fruit or Nut GrowerVETASSESS
121214Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower / Field Crop GrowerVETASSESS
121216Mixed Crop FarmerVETASSESS
121217Sugar Cane GrowerVETASSESS
121299Crop Farmers necVETASSESS
121312Beef Cattle FarmerVETASSESS
121313Dairy Cattle FarmerVETASSESS
121314Deer FarmerVETASSESS
121315Goat FarmerVETASSESS
121316Horse BreederVETASSESS
121317Mixed Livestock FarmerVETASSESS
121318Pig FarmerVETASSESS
121322Sheep FarmerVETASSESS
121399Livestock Farmers necVETASSESS
121411Mixed Crop and Livestock FarmerVETASSESS
131114Public Relations ManagerIML
132411Policy and Planning ManagerVETASSESS
133112Project BuilderVETASSESS
133612Procurement ManagerIML
134211Medical Administrator / Medical SuperintendentVETASSESS
134412Regional Education ManagerVETASSESS
139915Sports AdministratorVETASSESS
141211Caravan Park and Camping Ground ManagerVETASSESS
142115Post Office ManagerVETASSESS
149111Amusement Centre ManagerVETASSESS
149112Fitness Centre ManagerVETASSESS
149113Sports Centre ManagerVETASSESS
149912Cinema or Theatre ManagerVETASSESS
149914Financial Institution Branch ManagerVETASSESS
223111Human Resource AdviserVETASSESS
223113Workplace Relations AdviserVETASSESS
224412Policy AnalystVETASSESS
224912Liaison OfficerVETASSESS
225112Market Research AnalystVETASSESS
231111Aeroplane PilotCASA
231113Flying InstructorVETASSESS
231114Helicopter PilotCASA
231213Ship’s MasterAMSA
232413Multimedia DesignerVETASSESS
234213Wine MakerVETASSESS
234311Conservation OfficerVETASSESS
234915Exercise PhysiologistVETASSESS
242211Vocational Education Teacher / Polytechnic TeacherVETASSESS/TRA
251311Environmental Health OfficerVETASSESS
271214Intellectual Property LawyerVETASSESS
272611Community Arts WorkerVETASSESS
311111Agricultural TechnicianVETASSESS
311214Operating Theatre TechnicianVETASSESS
311216Pathology Collector / PhlebotomistAIMS
312114Construction EstimatorVETASSESS
312116Surveying or Spatial Science TechnicianVETASSESS
312511Mechanical Engineering DraftspersonEA
312611Safety InspectorVETASSESS
312911Maintenance PlannerVETASSESS
312999Building and Engineering Technicians necEA/VETASSESS
324311Vehicle PainterTRA
332111Floor FinisherTRA
342211Electrical Linesworker / Electrical Line MechanicTRA
399212Gas or Petroleum OperatorTRA
411211Dental HygienistVETASSESS
411214Dental TherapistVETASSESS
441211Emergency Service WorkerVETASSESS
451211Driving InstructorVETASSESS
451399Funeral Workers necVETASSESS
451711Flight AttendantVETASSESS
451815First Aid TrainerVETASSESS
599915Clinical CoderVETASSESS
612112Property ManagerVETASSESS
612115Real Estate RepresentativeVETASSESS

Is your occupation on this list? Book a consultation with one of our Registered Migration Agents to check your eligibility.

Before any immigration advice can be provided, we must hold an initial consultation which will attract a fee commencing from $385.

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