
Helping families make a fresh start

Andre Selga and his wife Nadia were after a better way of life for their young family.  Back home in Brazil they had a comfortable life where Andre ran his own business, however the pair was concerned about what the future held for their three young children Julia (9) Marina (7) and Beatriz (3).

They wanted a cleaner, safer and stress-free environment to raise their children which they felt could not be achieved while they remained in Brazil.

Andre and Nadia applied for a State Sponsored Skilled visa (190 Visa subclass) with the state of South Australia, which they successfully obtained by utilising the services of Migration Downunder which assisted them in completing the relevant documentation including assessment, state sponsorship application and visa application.

Andre arrived ahead of his wife and children on January 4, 2017, and secured himself a job with an international company exporting Australian wine before his family’s arrival.  His expertise and high level of English won him the position.

The family arrived in Australia on January 22, and are currently living in a very nice suburb of Adelaide where the children have settled into a local school and pre-school. The children are also staying active with Little Athletics, gymnastics and the youngest had her first ballet lesson last week.

After only two months they are feeling like they’re at home.  Andre has bought himself a surfboard and has joined a local rugby club, Nadia has commenced a Certificate IV at TAFE to improve her English and has obtained her driving licence and the family have joined the local church. They have met all their neighbours and been busy attending parties through their children’s school, neighbours and new-found friends.

This family couldn’t be happier and would not have achieved this outcome without the expertise and assistance of Migration Downunder.

Before any immigration advice can be provided, we must hold an initial consultation which will attract a fee commencing from $385.

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